Page 14 - Pre And Post Events
P. 14
Erawan Museum
“In a country with such
a rich history and culture,
there are bound to be
numerous museums
showcasing Thailand’s
MuseuMs past and present.”
In a country with such a rich history and culture, constructed during World War II, which re-
there are bound to be numerous museums sulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands
showcasing Thailand’s past and present. of prisoners and labourers. To learn more about
One of them is the famous Jim Thompson the labourers during the construction of this
House in Bangkok, which appeals to those railway, do visit the JEATH War Museum and
interested in Thai architecture, the famous Hellfire Pass Memorial Museum. At both these
Jim Thompson silk, or the mysterious disap- exhibits, you will experience a haunting,
pearance of the American founder himself. yet moving journey.
Another museum in the capital city is Bangkok
National Museum, which spans many buildings As you travel further south to the lively island of
displaying prominent artifacts on art, furniture, Phuket, you will find an interactive museum that
royal barges and more. encourages some fun photography. The Phuket
Trickeye Museum is full of art that is 2D but
In addition, museums lining the west coast of looks 3D, making for an entertaining afternoon
Thailand are definitely worth checking out. of trying to figure out how it’s possible, while
Starting up north in Chiang Mai, the Chiang taking pictures to show others that it is.
Mai National Museum displays artifacts from
the Lanna Kingdom and teaches visitors about For a more star-studded experience, head
the educational and economic developments of to Madame Tussaud´s in Bangkok or Louis
the city. Tussaud´s Waxworks in Pattaya to capture a
few snaps with wax statues of famous actors,
Moving down to mid-west of Thailand is athletes and political and historical figures.
Kanchanaburi, where you can find three While in Pattaya, also check out the Ripley’s
well known museums. The Thailand-Burma Believe It or Not! Odditorium which exhibits
Railway Centre details the history of the Thai- more than 300 unique collections of strange,
Burma Railway, also called the Death Railway, shocking and beautiful things.