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                                    CoMMittee rePort

               4. tCeB’s trade shoWs & road shoWs PLanned for 2024

                              trade shows                              road shows

                      The Meeting show in singapore         Thailand MICE Road show in Taiwan
                               17 – 18 April                             12 March

                             IMEX Frankfurt                   Thailand MICE Road show in Korea
                               14 – 16 May                              26 March

                    IT&CM Asia and CTW Asia –Pacific         Thailand MICE Road show in China
                            24 – 26 september                            12 March

                              IMEX America                 Thailand MICE Road show in Australia
                              8 – 10 October                            26 March
                               IBTM World
                             19 – 21 November                Thailand MICE Road show in India

                                                                     AsEAN Road show

                                                                   long Haul Road show
               *The exact schedule is to be confirmed.

               5. tiCa WeBsite
               • Provide opportunities for members to promote their products and services through TICA website

               6. tiCa Marketing PLan 2024
               •  M&I Department has allocated budget for TICA marketing related activities at 1.3 million Baht

                 no.                                     activity*
                1      TICA Destination Update (TDU)
                       Destination: Chiang Mai
                       Dates: 11 – 13 July
                2      TICA Business Matching
                       City: Bangkok
                       Dates: 2 – 3 August
                3      Fam Trips & Educational sessions in collaboration with TCEB Regional Offices
                4      TICA Website

               *The exact schedule is to be confirmed.

          28                                               THAIlAND INCENTIVE AND CONVENTION AssOCIATION (TICA)
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