P. 33

3. MiCe & MingLe #sportday2023
               o Hosted by TICA, THA, TEA, and EMA, and supported by TCEB
               o Date: Thursday, 27 April 2023
               o Venue: TopGolf Megacity
               o Registration fee: Baht 1,000
               o Attendees: 150

               4. tiCa MiCe uPdate (tiCa e-neWsLetter)
               A total of 6 issues of the e-newsletters were circulated in 2023 to approximately 3,000 people
               which includes both local and international MICE buyers and has the following content:
               - MICE promotions
               - MICE-related matters
               - TICA activities
               - Destination marketing
               - Introduction of 5 member organisations

               Designed and Produced by Premier Print and Products Co., ltd.

               5.  tiCa fortnightLY neWsLetter
               TICA keeps you in touch with industry news headlines from around the world.
               A total of 24 issues of the TICA Fortnightly Newsletters have been produced and circulated
               to members.

               6. tiCa soCiaL Media (fB, Linkedin, ig, YoutuBe)

               •  An announcement detailing TICA’s membership benefits has been circulated to

                 all members, encouraging them to make use of the provided benefits such as FB, IG,
                 e-newsletters, linkedIn.

               •  Regular updates by sharing MICE contents in 4 platforms: Facebook,
                 Instagram, linkedIn, and YouTube
               •  Provide an opportunity for members to promote their products and services through
                 Through TICA’s social media by sharing facilities and services
               •  Premier Print was appointed to handle social media marketing activities

           TICA ANNUAl REPORT 2023                                                                           33
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