Page 168 - TICA Membership Directory 2016-2017
P. 168


           Business Hours                                     communities of Sikhs and Hindus live in the cities and
           Government offices are generally open Monday to    are heavily engaged in a wide variety of businesses.
           Friday, between 8:30am and 4:30pm, with a lunch    There is also a small Jewish community in Thailand,
           break from noon to 1pm, except on public holidays.   dating back to the 17th century.
           Banking hours are generally 8:30am–3:30pm Monday   Tipping
           to Friday. Banks located in shopping centres are open   It is not necessary to tip taxi drivers, but both Thais
           daily with operating hours that coincide with the malls’.   and visitors round off the fare upwards as a tip.
           Clothing                                           High-end restaurants often include a 10 percent
           In Bangkok and other major tourist destinations,   service charge in the bill, in which case a tip is not
           travellers feel free to wear whatever pleases them,   expected, though many people leave change or a small
           and locals are accustomed to the presence of       amount. For restaurants without a service charge, a
           foreigners. For a temple or palace visit, however, wear   10 percent tip is sufficient. Tips are not expected at
           tops with sleeves, pants, skirts or dresses that cover   street stalls and in cheaper restaurants. Hotels have a
           your knees, and closed shoes. These places also have   service charge, but it is nice to tip the bellhops.
           scarves and sarongs to put over your clothes. More   Utilities
           and more high-end restaurants and bars, especially   Electricity in Thailand is 22 volts, 50 Hz. Electrical
           those in hotels, have dress codes. It is advisable to   sockets accept either flat-blade or round-pin plugs.
           check with them before going.                      All hotels will provide a converter.

                                                              Government and Politics
                                                              Thailand is a constitutional monarchy with a
                                                              parliamentary form of government.
                                                              Health Regulations
                                                              No vaccinations are required for entering Thailand
                                                              unless you are coming from contaminated countries.
                                                              Health Advice
                                                              Thailand has modern hospitals with English-speaking
                                                              doctors in the main tourist areas. There are also
                                                              clinics that do hotel-calls in Bangkok. Pharmacies are
                                                              plentiful in bigger cities. Make sure your insurance is
                                                              valid in Thailand.

                                                              All hotels provide internet and broadband services,
           Postal Service                                     and you can easily find internet cafes in cities and
           Thailand’s postal service is reliable and efficient.   town centres. Thailand uses 4G technology for mobile
           Local postal charges are very low and international   Internet access.
           changes inexpensive. Many hotels offer basic postal   Language
           services, and post offices can be found everywhere. A   Thai is the official language, although English is widely
           common service used is Express Mail Service (EMS),   spoken in business and in tourist areas.
           which is offered both domestically and internationally.
           International couriers, including DHL, UPS, and Fedex,  Time Zone
           can also be found as standalone locations and in   Thailand is seven hours ahead of Greenwich Mean
           certain shopping centres.                          Time (GMT+7).
           Religion                                           Tourist Information Services
           The majority of Thais are Buddhists of the Theravada   Tourist information is available at the Tourism
           sect. Muslims are the second largest religious group   Authority of Thailand (TAT) head office in Bangkok,
           at about 5 percent. The three southernmost provinces   local offices in 22 major cities, the TAT information
           of Thailand are the only Muslim-majority parts of   counter at Suvarnabhumi Airport and at every airport
           the country. Christians, mainly Catholics, represent   where there is a TAT local office.
           0.75 percent of the population. Small but influential   Visit

                                                                                            MICE GUIDE TO THAILAND
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