Page 167 - TICA Membership Directory 2016-2017
P. 167


                                                Thai Words and Phrases

               Hello                    Sawasdee                 Go straight               Trong pai
               Welcome                  Yindee ton rub           Turn left                 Liaw sai
                How are you?            Sabai dee mai            Turn right                Liaw kwa
               I’m fine                 Sabai dee
               What’s your name?        Khun cheu arai           I’m looking for John      Chan/Phom kamlang ha
               My name is…              Chan/Phom cheu…                                    John yoo
               Thank you (very much)    Kob khun (maak)          One moment please         pab neung na
               You’re welcome           Yindee/Mai pen rai       Hold on please            Teu sai ror sak kru
               See you later            Laew jeu kan             (on the phone)
               Bye                      Bye-bye                  How much is this?         An nee tao rai
                                                                 Excuse me                 kor thod
                                                                 Do you speak English?     Khun phood pasa ang
               Help, Directions, and Dining                                                krit mai
                                                                 I don’t speak Thai        Chan/Phom phood pasa
               I’m lost                 Chan/Phom lohng tang
               Can I help you?          Hai chan/phom chuay                                Thai mai dai
                                        arai mai                 I don’t understand        Chan/Phom mai khao jai
               Can you help me?         Chuay chan/phom noi      Do you have an English    Mee menu pasa ang
                                        dai mai                  menu?                     krit mai
               Where is the bathroom/   Hongnam (bathroom)/      I’m a vegetarian          Chan/phom tan
               pharmacy/hospital?       Ran kai ya (pharmacy)/                             mangsavirat
                                        Rong payaban (hospital)    Not too spicy, please   Mai phed maak
                                        yoo tee nai (where is the)  Is this dish spicy?    Jaan nee phed mai

                                                                 ***For politeness, add ka at the end of your requests and
                                                                 sentences if you’re female and krub if you’re male.

            TICA MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY 2016 - 2017
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