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In terms of infrastructure, Thailand’s future is
As a hub of aviation, Thailand’s international geared towards achieving the Thailand 4.0
airports serve hundreds of commercial airlines, vision, where goals have been set by govern-
both chartered and low-cost. As the country ment agencies to transform the economy
continues to grow as a popular vacation and from industry-driven to technology-driven,
MICE destination, more airlines are choosing subsequently establishing the country as a
to fly into Thailand while existing ones are high-income nation. In the pursuit of
boosting the frequency of their flights. achieving this transformation, the MICE
International airports across the country will industry will most definitely play a key role.
soon have to upgrade their facilities to meet
these demands; for example, as of June 2018, Currently, the government is continuing to
the Airports of Thailand or AOT announced encourage public and private partnerships in
their approval on the construction of a new ter- order to enhance the country’s overall business
minal for Suvarnabhumi Airport, which will allow environment, and projects put in motion will
it to accommodate an extra 30 million visitors also heavily promote both hard and soft
per year.
infrastructure. Innovation in the business
sphere is also strongly encouraged as the
Moreover, Thailand’s coastlines are also advancement of technology will impact
playing an important role in the growth of Thailand’s MICE industry in a very positive
MICE, agriculture and tourism, as each year manner. Technologically-advanced centres
more harbours and marinas are being built. and exhibition halls naturally allow for more
These developments not only boost an already potential with business events, which subse-
flourishing sailing and yachting culture but also quently invites more international business
allow for the construction and establishment of presence. All of these factors ensure Thailand
international shipping docks for increased con- will continue to flourish and transform into a
nectivity. This advancement in accessibility will top global destination.
be incredibly advantageous for a wide range
of businesses that are based in Thailand, espe-
cially for the transportation of products to and
from Europe and India.