P. 26


          the liMit:

          Thailand’s future as both a MICE and tourism   other neighbouring countries, as well as the
          capital looks promising for a number of rea-  many Friendship Bridges that have been built
          sons. The country is home to a rich and unique   to connect the country to Laos and Myanmar.
          culture that cannot be experienced anywhere   Another notable example is the Asian Highway
          else in the world. In combination with the    Network that continues to grow rapidly with ex-
          hospitality and warmth of Thai people and the   tensive routes planned to both China and India.
          availability of diverse food, entertainment and
          shopping venues, the nation has grown into a   Increased connectivity is also reflected in
          popular choice for both leisure and business   urban areas such as Bangkok, where plans are
          travellers. Each year, more international MICE   currently being put in place to expand the BTS
          organisers are choosing Thailand as the base   SkyTrain and MRT Underground transport lines
          for their events because of the                            in length, as well as increase
          professionalism and                                        the frequency of trains. Transit
          experience of individuals                                  authorities across the city are
          involved in both the hospi-   “The country is home         also working together to in-
          tality and business sphere.    to a rich and unique        troduce a universal card that
          This established reputation   culture that cannot be       interconnects different means
          will continue to be a                                      of transportation, such as pub-
          magnet for tourism and        experienced anywhere         lic buses and city rail services,
          MICE for years to come.         else in the world. ”       to minimise traffic congestion.
                                                                     The convenience and afford-
          Thailand’s unrivalled                                      able nature of the all-in-one
          location at the heart of the                               card concept is aimed at mo-
          Asia-Pacific region continues to provide strong   tivating more people to use public transport
          momentum for increasing visitor numbers.      instead of private vehicles. In addition to inner
          The country boasts extensive land routes,     city travel, Thailand’s extensive cross country
          such as the 30 border checkpoints that are    rail network will also be upgraded, with high-
          open with Cambodia, Malaysia, and             speed links now in the design and planning

          200                                                              MICE GUIDE TO THAILAND
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