Page 3 - Convention Promotion Foundation
P. 3

Application Guideline

            The fund is granted to professional associations, non-profit societies or groups of persons who
            wish to be host of an international meeting event in Thailand which is  expected to be attended
            by 300 participants or more. The applicant or the events must have support of a governmental
            or/and public organisation. The event should require not less than 6 months for preparations.

            Procedure of Loan Application

            Application Form                                    Management of Event
            The application form must be completed in full online   To ensure success, the event must be professionally
            via the TICA website:                managed. The applicant may appoint a professional
            (Link’s Application Form) To ensure maximum         management company, or if the event is to be
            benefit of donated funds, the loan is to be paid back   organised on behalf of the Local Organising
            for availability for future events. It is therefore in the   Conmmittee by individuals with direct experience
            best interest of CPF management and the applicant   in managing international events, the applicant is
            to support an ensured successful event.             requested to present related reference in this regard
                                                                to the satisfaction of the committee.
            Guideline of the Loan
                                                                •  The event must subscribe to an insurance policy.
            The loan is granted for Preparation expenses of the   •  TICA, as administrator of Convention Promotion
            events. A maximum amount of Baht 1,000,000 in total   Foundation, shall assign staff to become an observing
            may be granted for an event and may be drawn in     member of the Host Organising Committee and
            smaller amounts at a time, as and when the expenses   provide guidance as appropriate.
            are actually required.
            Items of expenses which will be considered are:
                                                                The loan is to be paid back in all entirety after
            Preparation:                                        completion of the event. A reasonable time frame,
            •  Marketing & Promotion. Printing of announcements   usually within 3 months after the event, is requested.
            and other materials, postage and advertisements     Voluntary donation of funds from profitable events will
            and costs of publicity and promotion via Social     assist in enhancing growth of the foundation which
            Media channels.                                     will benefit other hosts of future events in particular,
            •  Creation, establishment and maintenance of       and Thailand in general.
            an internet website and related matters.
            •  Administration. Cost of office rental, equipment   Report of Changes
            rental/purchase, staff hire, deposit required
                                                                The applicant shall give notice in writing if there is
            by suppliers, etc.
                                                                any change in any part of the descriptions in the
                                                                application such as name of guarantor, etc.
            For the loan, a detailed breakdown is requested to
            present each item of expense, timeframe when each
                                                                Cancellation of Loan
            item is required (reflecting amounts to be paid to
            respective suppliers). If possible, a preliminary draft   The committee may cancel any loan previously
            of the budget of the conference will demonstrate the   approved or claim repayment of the loan previously
            readiness and dedication of the applicant and will   granted if there has been any fraudulent descriptions
            greatly help with the committee’s decision.         within the loan application OR if any change has taken
                                                                place in the descriptions in the application resulting in
            Committee Consideration                             the amount of loan previously approved or granted is
                                                                found to be inappropriate OR if any reasonable ground
            CPF committee will hold a meeting to evaluate
                                                                has been found to be inappropriate to grant the loan.
            the application and may invite the applicant to the

            meeting if deemed necessary. The committee
                                                                Special Request
            reserves the right to judge the application and make
            the decision as it considers most sound and correct.   •  Consideration in utilising services of CPF members
            Decision of the committee is accepted as final.     for the event wherever possible is requested. This is
            Also required is the Article of Incorporation or    because fund donors who are industry suppliers also
            association by-laws of the applicant.               have an option to contribute additional funds from
                                                                revenue generated from servicing the events.
            Loan Agreement
            If the loan is approved, an agreement is requested
            to be signed by the president or an executive of an
            equivalent stature, and another senior member of the
            association who will thus become Guarantors of the
            loan. Payment will be remitted to the bank account in
            the name of the association or as agreed.
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