Page 2 - Convention Promotion Foundation
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Convention Promotion Foundation (CPF)
The Convention Promotion Foundation is an extension of the existing Convention Promotion Fund.
Registered on the 7th of May 2021.
Founded in 1999, the Convention Promotion fund is an initiative of members of TICA – Thailand
Incentive and Convention Association which was founded in 1984 as a joint venture between the
government and the private sector of MICE industry (meeting, incentives, conventions, exhibitions).
International Convention is a high-quality segment of the travel business with multi-faceted
benefits to the host destination. As Thailand has potential to become the regional center of
international meeting-related events, there needs to be comprehensive dedicated efforts to attract
and accommodate such events. Financial assistance is first and foremost to enable Local Host
Committees to bid and manage the events successfully.
Objectives Sources of the Fund
• To promote marketing activities, which will • Donations from Tourism Authority of Thailand
lead to more international meetings, incentives, and Thai Airways International
conventions, exhibitions coming to Thailand.
• Donations from Founding Members
• To promote “Research and Development” (72 companies, organisations or individuals)
and “Human Resource Development” within
the MICE sphere. • Fund raising projects organised by
CPF members
• To assist and support local host committees
in organising MICE events • Matching fund sponsored by the Royal
Thai Government through Tourism Authority
• To coordinate cooperation between of Thailand
government and private agencies, and to act
as a networking hub for the organising of MICE • Contributions from fund recipients upon
events. successful organisation of their events
• To provide advice and guidelines for the • Contributions from suppliers benefiting from
organisations related to meetings, incentives, the events
conventions, and exhibitions.
• Other donations
• Facilitating education programmes and
other programmes related to MICE that will
benefit the public. Also generating public
interest in MICE topics, and collaborating with
similar organisations in carrying out activities
for public benefit.
• Manage or collaborate with charity organisa-
tions for public welfare, organizations for public
benefit, and other organisations for conducting
activities beneficial to general public.
• The fund does not affiliate with politics.