P. 14
Up-and-coming placeS
to hoSt yoUr mice event
Hat Yai
Located in the far south near the Malaysian
border, this city is great for visitors who love
to experience a diverse mix of cultures.
The bustling streets have endless options for
dining, exploring art and architecture, as well
as taking in unique landscape views. It is also
considered a shopping haven for the local
community. In addition to being a regional hub
for culture, Hat Yai also has immense potential
for MICE because of its diverse venues and
ease of access, specifically as Hat Yai Interna-
tional Airport is serviced by a range of domes-
tic and international airlines.
There are many cultural attractions worth visit- Hat Yai
ing, including Hat Yai Cable Car at the Hat Yai
Municipality Park, that allows for out-
standing views over the
surrounding city, as well “The most notable MICE
as statues of Thao Maha The most notable MICE venue
Phrom and Phra Buddha venue is The 60th is The 60th Anniversary of His
Mongkol Maharaj. Anniversary of His Majesty the King’s Accession to
Moreover, Hat Yai is also Majesty the King’s the Throne International
home to a floating Accession to the Throne Convention Center (ICC Hat Yai),
market, plenty of flea International Convention which is the largest in the coun-
markets and a night try’s southern region. It is set on
bazaar. For those who Center (ICC Hat Yai)” almost 22 acres of land with over
wish to further under- 15,000 sqm of event space that
stand the spiritual side can accommodate up to 4,000
of Thailand, Wat Hat Yai people. This versatile space comprises of semi-
Nai is a Buddhist temple that houses the third nar rooms, conference halls and pre and post
largest reclining Buddha idol in the country. event areas, such as a food court. There is also
extensive parking for up to 500 cars and over
The city also offers various accommodation 200 coaches.
options ranging in price, size and number of