P. 36
sPas The most famous massage school is based in
Bangkok at Wat Pho, also known as the Temple
of Reclining Buddha. Not only can you learn
some of the secrets behind this ancient art,
but you can also indulge in a truly authentic
From street side parlours to five-star massage Thai massage courtesy of its adept therapists.
lounges, Thailand is well known for its spa
culture, with a range of traditional treatments Thai massages incorporate the use of herbs
such as Thai massage, Thai herbal steam as well, especially for Thai herbal massage,
compress and indigenous herbal treatments, which features a muslin ball that is steamed
along with other types of spa therapies from and then is slowly pressed against your muscles
around the world. to ease aches. Some of the fragrant herbs
it contains are lemongrass, ginger and kaffir
A Thai massage has its origin in Siamese leaves. Additionally, lemongrass is used as a
healing and health traditions, founded more scenting ingredient in spas to welcome visitors.
than 2,500 years ago. A Thai massage is Its full-bodied aroma is invigorating and helps
different from other guests relax before undergoing their treat-
massage therapies ments. It is also used in steam
because it uses no oils, baths and aroma-
and is performed using “Massage therapists therapy massages.
deep compressing and in Thailand are known
rhythmic moves. Another famed treatment is
for their warmth the foot massage. Practitioners
Originally taught and prac- and hospitality.” believe that each part of the
ticed only in temples, it is foot is linked to a certain area
based on the principle of of the body, so a properly
correcting energy balance administered foot massage can
throughout the body. The treatment uses stimulate the functions of internal organs and
pressure, tension and vibration movements render whole body effects, like lower blood
to get the blood flowing around the body. pressure and improved circulation, leading to
Its health benefits include muscle pain relief, decreased feelings of anxiety and better sleep.
improved joint motion and increased Although Chinese in origin, this healing art
muscle flexibility. form has been performed in Thailand for
thousands of years.