P. 2

President’s Message

                          TICA AnnuAl RepoRT 2023

                                                             upskilling, and we need to continue to use
                                                             these talents to multitask in different areas
                                                             of the industry. At the same time, we’re
                                                             working with TCEB on developing the
                                                             academic sector, by collaborating with
                                                             universities and colleges who are interested
                                                             in integrating Business Events into their
                                                             curriculum. These academic institutions
                                                             are producing promising students, many of
                                                             whom we hope will join the industry
                                                             when they graduate. Moreover, TICA’s
                                                             training courses, which we hold 3-4 times a
                                                             year, offer opportunities for people in the
                                                             industry to enhance their knowledge and
                                                             upskill, and this will help to leverage the
                                                             shortages that we have.

                                                             Meanwhile, while rising airfare costs will
                                                             change depending on demand and supply,
                                                             and this will in turn affect business events,
                                                             the industry will adjust by making more
                                                             economical decisions. Overall, despite these
                                                             challenges, business events will continue to
                                                             survive and thrive, as long as we strive to
                                                             improve business conditions and focus on
                                                             knowledge sharing.
               Dear TICA Members,
                                                             There continues to be encouraging news
               While our wings may have been clipped         for the industry in Thailand, including the
               over the last few years, this year we have    government’s active contributions to the
               been soaring steadily higher, both as an      promotion and advancement of Thailand’s
               Association and in the business events        business events industry, especially on the
               industry as a whole. The industry performed   exhibitions and mega events side. However,
               quite well in 2023, reaching up to 70 percent   we need to make sure that meetings,
               of pre-COVID business. This is largely due    incentives, and conventions are also
               to the pent-up demand from business event     considered important segments of the
               owners and planners, who have facilitated     industry. Focusing on all these aspects of
               numerous events through which Thailand        business events will help improve corporate
               has greatly benefited. In 2024, we’re poised   performance, bolster knowledge, and
               to see this recovery continue at the same     enhance knowledge sharing.
               rate if not higher, despite economic and
               geo-political issues around the world. The    Moreover, the promotion of a prolific
               business events industry in Thailand has      amount of major and secondary MICE cities
               benefited from the weakening Baht, and the    in Thailand offers more options to event
               positive effects of this windfall will continue   planners and prospective clients, who are
               until the end of the year, making 2024        now able to consider more secondary
               another good year for the industry.           destinations than ever. Having less-explored
                                                             options will be an answer to the current
               Nevertheless, the business events sector      trend of business event travellers who wish
               in Thailand faces numerous impediments,       to learn more about and explore destinations,
               and we must find ways to effectively          rather than simply conduct meetings there.
               mitigate these challenges. While extenuating   If we foster relationships with different
               circumstances such as rising  airfares and    local communities in both primary and
               global geopolitical crises will inevitably    secondary Business Events destinations, we
               come and go, the issue of talent shortage in   can make Thailand an even more interesting
               Thailand is one we need to address. Many      global destination, with a range of options
               of our members are already retraining and     for business travellers.

          2                                                THAIlAND INCENTIVE AND CONVENTION AssOCIATION (TICA)
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