P. 33
Health and Regulations Language
Visitors are recommended to be updated on Thai is the official language, although English is
routine vaccinations when travelling to any widely spoken in business and tourist areas.
destinations. The Ministry of Public Health has
issued regulations for applicants who have Time Zone
travelled from or through the countries that Thailand is seven hours ahead of Greenwich
have been declared Yellow Fever Infected Mean Time [GMT+7]
Areas, stating that indivduals must provide an
International Health Certificate proving that Tourist Information Services
they have received a Yellow Fever vaccination. Tourist information is available at the Tourism
Authority of Thailand’s (TAT) head office in
Health Advice Bangkok, local offices in 22 major cities,
Health services in Bangkok are excellent. the TAT information counter at Suvarnabhumi
The best services are provided at private Airport, and at every airport where there
hospitals, which boast state-of-the-art facilities is a TAT local office.
and technology, internationally trained doctors
and multilingual staff. Pharmacies are plentiful For more information please visit
in bigger cities. Travellers are recommended to
ensure that their insurance is valid in Thailand.
Visa Information
Internet The Ministry of Foreign Affair’s website
All hotels provide Wi-Fi internet and broadband ( has vital information explaining
services, and you can easily find internet cafés the various visas and policies for entering and
around the city. Thailand uses 4G technology staying in Thailand. Generally, a foreign citizen
for mobile internet access. However, please who wishes to enter Thailand is required to
note that some rural areas may not have access obtain a visa from a Royal Thai Embassy.
to a broadband connection. The visa exemption rule allows tourists from 55
countries to enter Thailand without a visa.
They are granted to stay a maximum of 30 days
if they are entering Thailand via an interna-
tional airport or entering through a land border
checkpoint from neighbouring countries,
like Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Malaysia.
Information regarding the location and contact
numbers for the Thai Embassy or Consular
Office closest to you can be obtained from the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the following
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of
Consular Affairs, Visas and Travel Documents
123 Chaengwattana Road, Bangkok 10210
Tel. 02 575 1062-4
Fax: 0 2575 1066
Service hours: 8.30am to 2.30pm
(Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and
Public Holidays)