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                                      MEDICAL WINGS
                                    operated by Siam Land Flying Co., Ltd.

                             SIA’S LEADING AIR AMBULANCE
                             PROVIDER OPERATED BY SIAM
                       ALAND FLYING CO., LTD

          In 1999, Siam Land Flying continued to expand its business by adding   ADDRess
          Air Ambulance services under the brand name of “Medical Wings”.     222  Don Mueang International Airport
          Medical  Wings  offers  ‘bed-to-bed’  transfers  for  all  types  of  patients   Office Building 3rd floor, Vibhavadi Rangsit
          and age groups experiencing severe medical conditions including pre   Road, Sanambin, Don  Mueang, Bangkok
          and post natal and pediatric patients.  Medical Wings also provides   10210 Thailand
          patient escort services for transfers using commercial airlines to global   hotline: +66 2247 3392
                                                                  Tel: +66 2535 6784-5 Ext. 110, 115
          ACCReDITeD bY                                   SCAN QR   Fax: +66 2535 4734
                                                        for more info  email:

           OUR seRVICes

             Medical Wings offers a ‘one stop service and excellent care’ by owning or controlling all the major aspects
             of the patient transport process. Our medical flight crew is on hand throughout the patient transport
             procedure to ensure that the patient’s condition is continually monitored. This enables real time decisions
             to  be  taken  to  manage  any  risks  or complications  and  ensure  that  the  patient  arrives  safely  at  their
             destination. Each air ambulance mission is supported by a minimum of a two-person medical flight crew
             that consists of a critical care trained flight doctor and flight nurse who attend the patient throughout the
             transportation process. Additional crews are assigned based on the patient’s condition.
             In 2015,  Medical Wings achieved CAMTS standard from the US based Commission  on Accreditation
             of  Medical  transportation  Systems  and  became  the  first  Asian  operator  to  achieve  this  prestigious
             recognition. In 2016, Medical Wings achieved the EURAMI standard of the European Aeromedical Institute,
             the attainment of the CAMTS and EURAMI standard demonstrates our commitment to safety and quality
             of service in the air ambulance sector.

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