Page 156 - TICA Membership Directory 2016-2017
P. 156
makes for unique dinner and cocktail parties. Another If you are aiming for a more natural and outdoor
special attraction which can be used for incentive environment, then there are dinners in the park and
parties is The Three Kingdoms Park which covers a beach BBQs. For further variety there are Pirate
large lush green area. Boasting beautiful Chinese and theme disco nights and street parties.
Thai influences, the large walls showcase paintings,
sculptures and other art forms telling historical folk As an alternative, your staff can enjoy more traditional
tales. events with an evocation of Thailand’s historical past
from different periods such as Ayuttaya and Sukhotai.
The range of themed parties is diverse, from formal It may be Thailand, but concept nights can also be
to informal. Numerous companies offer tailor made arranged showcasing other countries, for example
events and professional services. Here are some Brazil and also by colour-Scarlet night.
examples: If you want to give your staff a cinematic
theme, then there are Oscar and James Bond party Thailand’s famous cuisine is not overlooked either, with
nights. Keep the refined focus with elegant fine dining traditional and contemporary Thai-themed dinners.
dinner events.